Grab a pillowcase and give it a fun makeover! This Easy DIY Pillowcase for Kids craft tutorial needs just one pillowcase (old or new), fun fabric (like Pokemon, Star Wars, etc), and some basic sewing skills and you’ll have a cool pillowcase that any kid will love. Frugal gift idea too!
15+ Zombie Crafts
Over 15 of the coolest Zombie Crafts to keep you busy during non-zombie apocalypse times. There’s something for everyone, from the little zombie fan to those of you with more crafty skills. Many feature free printables and patterns.
2013 Most Popular Posts at Comic Con Family
2013 was a great year and we’re sharing our most popular posts — everything from superhero ice cream cones to a free printable zombie craft!
12 Doctor Who Craft Ideas
Here’s 12 creative Doctor Who craft ideas to keep you busy until the Doctor Who series returns in November with the 50th anniversary episode.
20+ Star Wars Craft Ideas
Star Wars: Episode VII may not be released until the end of 2015, but that’s okay. We’ve collected over 20 Star Wars craft ideas that will keep the force strong with you.